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Tag: organisation

5 tips for Working from home

The number of people wornking from home continues to rise. Technology continues to bridge the gap between face-to-face and virtual work environments and organizations are increasingly focused on getting results from their workforce and not just hours of employment. Employees are also seeking these unconventional work arrangements as a means to greater work-life satisfaction.

The dream of working from home, however, can quickly become a nightmare if you aren’t prepared for such an isolated and unstructured environment. This article provides five skills that may help working from home:

1. Self-Discipline: the most important skill is to be able to resist the numerous distractions vying for your attention. Those who work from home must create a work schedule that is aligned with their physical and mental energy, and seek to stay on that schedule as much as possible.

2. Flexibility: While a rigid schedule is necessary to give structure to your day, don’t be afraid to rearrange your day when necessary.

3. An Outcomes-Oriented Approach: The danger when working from home is that you might get several non-work tasks done during the day and give yourself a false sense of accomplishment. When starting each morning, clearly identify what you’re going to create or develop before the day is over.

4. Critical Thinking: When working at home you’ll need to be able to think creatively on your own. Set aside time to think.

5. Effective Communication Skills: Make it a habit to reach out to others on your team to discuss and seek answers when needed. Utilize different types of technology (e.g., Skype, to collaborate and work with team members.

Image: PixabayPexels (CC Creative Commons)

6 steps to setting up a meeting for success

It is very likely that sooner or later we will be required to organise a meeting in our professional careers. While it may seem like a fairly simple task, setting up a successful meeting means thinking about certain issues beforehand in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

It can be useful to clearly state where the meeting will take place, at what time, what the objectives are and therefore who must be present and who needn’t be. A very useful model to do this is the PALACE model.

Agree timing and objective uprfront
Communication styles
Efficient follow-up

To read more about each step of this model, be sure to check out the full article!

“How to conduct the perfect meeting for account managers”