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Tag: personal strength

7 Tips for the Best Sleep Ever

The fact the good sleep is a key factor for an healthy life, while a chronic lack of sleep  ups your odds of diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, even weight gain is well known.

If you have tried everything without effective results, try these unexpected tweaks, and wake up feeling incredibly well-rested!

  1. Avoid caffeine and similar substances after 2pm
  2. Choose snooze-friendly foods for dinner
  3. Avoid alchoolic drinks after 10pm
  4. Avoid hot bath/shower right before going to bed
  5. Try a little gentle, restorative yoga before going to bed
  6. Install low-watt lamps in your bedroom
  7. Turn off your smartphone one hour before going to bed

Here you will find the full article.

Image: FlickrDomenico Salvagnin   (CC BY 2.0) 

(How to) Sleep, don’t weep

Improving your own bedtime routines can be an easy way to feel better day by day and to become a more successful and positive person. According to Jacquelyn Smith, Careers Editor for Business Insider, there are nine things successful people do before going to sleep:

  1. They read;
  2. They make a to-do list;
  3. They spend time with family;
  4. They reflect on the day;
  5. They meditate;
  6. They plan out sleep;
  7. They unplug and disconnect from work;
  8. They lie down on a positive note;
  9. They picture tomorrow’s success.

Read the full article here.

Sleep, don't weep

Image source: Flickr – Guilherme Tavares (CC BY 2.0)

The Personal Strength of Initiative

Whether we speak of it as procrastination or writer’s block, the inability to move forward on a project affects many people.

According to Denny Coates, author of the blog Building Personal Strength, “the cure is simply to sit down and begin doing the work. Just start […] The ideas will simply begin to flow.”

For further reading, he readily suggests The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battleswritten by Steven Pressfield. It’s a brilliant self- help book about procrastination and its cure.


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