When you get a new job, elation and excitement come first and you’re enthusiastic about all the new possibilities before you.
After that, however, the panic begins. You start to get nervous about your new responsibilities, the corporate culture and the people with whom you’ll be working.
While starting a new job can be a stressful experience, this important transition doesn’t have to be full of tension and anxiety.
In this article, Mind Tools covers strategies for making this transition easier, and it offers some tips for building solid relationships with your new colleagues:

1. Give yourself 90 days to become fully effective in a new role;
2. Focus on a few quick wins;
3. Build the new skills you need;
4. Navigate the new culture;
5. Learn who’s who.

Starting a new role can cause a lot of stress. And you’ll make it harder on yourself if you try to do too much too soon. Spend plenty of time getting to know your new culture. Your boss doesn’t expect you to create full value for the company during your first few months, so take it slowly. And try to focus on a few small victories that will help you establish credibility.

Read more on: Starting a new job: getting used to your new role


Image source: Loren’s World

Posted by Camilla Sicuro.