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Tag: scheduling

The Best Schedule Management Tips

Here are 20 Schedule and Calendar Management Tips that can help you meet all those deadlines and never have to ask for more time again!

  1. Review. Then review again
  2. One event-free day a week
  3. Schedule meetings ASAP
  4. Use meeting scheduling tools
  5. Follow up
  6. Use reminders
  7. Add another time zone
  8. Import all your calendars
  9. Only meet for as long as you need to
  10. Say “no” to fact gathering or update meetings
  11. In fact, just say “No”
  12. Start on time and skip the roll call
  13. Meeting conflicts
  14. Cancel it
  15. Batch meetings on your calendar
  16. Color-code your calendar
  17. Schedule time in your calendar for email
  18. When is your productive peak?
  19. Do you REALLY need to meet?
  20. Fin time in your schedule with time-tracking tools

To learn more about each of these tips, read the full article!

20 Brilliant Calendar & Schedule Management Tips

Office, Business, Paperwork, Document, Laptop, Agenda

Image: Pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)

6 steps to setting up a meeting for success

It is very likely that sooner or later we will be required to organise a meeting in our professional careers. While it may seem like a fairly simple task, setting up a successful meeting means thinking about certain issues beforehand in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

It can be useful to clearly state where the meeting will take place, at what time, what the objectives are and therefore who must be present and who needn’t be. A very useful model to do this is the PALACE model.

Agree timing and objective uprfront
Communication styles
Efficient follow-up

To read more about each step of this model, be sure to check out the full article!

“How to conduct the perfect meeting for account managers”


8 Tips for effective scheduling

In our daily routine we are unceasingly exposed to facts and events that can easily draw our attention away from tasks which are essential for being efficient and fully productive at work.

Effective scheduling can help us prioritizing and preventing unfruitful struggles to cope with the demands placed upon us.

Geoffrey Whiteway on Coaching Positive Performance lists eight tips that – if daily implemented – can help us scheduling:

  1. Plan the night before: making plan the night before, will ensure you less anxiety and better night sleep.
  2. Select 1 key task: identify the most important task for each day and get that task completed.
  3. Key task first: Life is unpredictable and if somethings happens that plays havoc with your plans, getting the most important task done first will increase the probability for your day to still be effective.
  4. Context based lists: If you have more than 20 tasks to be completed, make a list and put specific tasks under headings based on the situation you find yourself in, or the resources available to you at the time.
  5. No agenda, no meeting. Avoid meetings which do not have a clear agenda, as they tend to be just “talking shops”.
  6. Establish rituals. Routines allow you to get important, repeated tasks completed with maximum efficiency and minimum thought.
  7. Only time specific tasks go in your calendar. Tasks without a deadline risk being continuously put off.
  8. Projects vs. tasks A task is something which needs to get done but has not been done yet. A project is something which needs to be done, but has not been done yet and will take more one task to get done. There is real benefit in thinking this way and breaking each project down into tasks.


Image source: Flickr – photosteve101