Scott Eblin, speaker and author of “The Next Level”, in his post on Govexec writes that, at some point in your career, your leadership skills need to trump your technical skills if you want to make the biggest possible impact. Eblin represents this in a simple graph: the higher you rise in leadership, the leverage in getting higher achievements comes from spending less time on your technical skills and more time exercising your leadership abilities. Here is a list of high “leadership intensive” activities he has collected by asking his readers to give their answer to this question: “What is it, given the leadership role that you are in, that only you can do?”.

  • Set the vision
  • Develop my people
  • Get the right people on the team
  • Allocate resources
  • Establish priorities
  • Build the relationships we need to get stuff done
  • Provide air cover
  • Share perspective and information with the team
  • Keep key people informed about what we are doing
  • Knock down barriers
  • Keep us focused on the plan
  • Monitor and measure progress

Read the full article here.


Image source: Wikimedia Commons

Post by: Ugo Ferrero