There is a so-called “modern trap” affecting our societies and it’s all about losing sight of what our passions are supposed to be doing for us.
For some of us, our work coincides with our passion; we pour everything into it and dedicate most of our days to making it a success.
For some of us, work is a way to get by from a financial point of view, but there are passions that we cultivate on the side.
Well, we are observing a trend whereby these passions are turning into side hustles for many people. This is by no means something bad; on the other hand, it can feel really nice to be able to do something we love and give it value too. However, what we are losing sight of is the intrinsic value of that activity we are passionate about: it makes us feel good. This nearsightedness can bring to a very negative consequence: not feeling justified to carry out our favourite activities unless we’re turning them into something profitable.
This trend is part of a bigger one: not being able to spend time just being. Not being able to take things slow. Not being able to enjoy free time. Not scheduling any self-care time.
Read this really insightful article here: Modern Trap of Turning Hobbies into Hustles

Source: Pixabay (CC0 – Creative Commons)
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