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Tag: Smile

The hidden power of smiling

In this TED Talk, Ron Gutman reviews a raft of studies about smiling, and reveals some surprising results. Did you know your smile can be a predictor of how long you’ll live, and that a simple smile has a measurable effect on your overall well-being?

So whenever you want to look great and competent, reduce your stress or improve your marriage, or feel as if you just had a whole stack of high-quality chocolate without incurring the caloric cost, or whenever you want to tap into a superpower that will help you and everyone around you live a longer, healthier, happier life, smile.

Image: SmileKristo (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) 

9 good reasons to smile more

Smiling is not just a reaction to something funny. It is something that has positive effects on our mood and on everybody around us, no matter if it is forced or not.

In her article, Alyssa Detweiler lists nine positive effects of smiling which will make you want to smile more:

  1. Smiling is contagious
  2. Smiling lower stress and anxiety
  3. Smiling releases endorphins
  4. You will be more attractive
  5. Smiling strengthens your immune system
  6. You will be more approachable
  7. Smiling will make you more comfortable
  8. You will seem more trustworthy
  9. You will be a bettere leader

Read the full article here

Image source: pxhere (CC0)


During a demanding negotiation, when interests at stake are radically divergent and it seems that there is no more room for the dialogue, a radical shift in the approach to the pourparler could be the turning point of the whole negotiation, even in case of major discussions over national interests, such as the controversial right of the Islamic Republic of Iran to carry on the uranium enrichment process started in 2006.

In effect, this article highlights how a radical shift of the Iranian negotiators’ approach to the nuclear dossier, which opposed the Islamic Republic to the international community, led to the signature of the so-called Vienna Agreement in July 2015.

By shunning the bombastic and confrontational language that had become the hallmark of the Islamic Republic’s officials, Mr. Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iranian Foreign Minister and chief of the Iranian delegation,  build up a personal relation with foreign diplomats thanks to his easy smile and mastery of English.

In conclusion, when the negotiation is stuck and all options seem inconsistent, a “smile” approach to the negotiation could be more useful than a simple force demonstration, and, in some cases, it could even bring to make an agreement over a nuclear issue possible.


Image source: Flickr wewiorka_wagner  (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling

How can something as simple as a smile be so deceptively complex? That’s the mystery and magic explored in Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a Simple Act, which explores the sensation and science of the smile. From the broad beaming grin of a toddler to the oily smirk of a used car salesman, smiles convey an enormous range of emotions. Grins also have radically varied meanings in different cultures, as the author learned during his many worldwide trips to explore the complicated, but ubiquitous, act of smiling.