Get your brain in motion

Discover if you are a good motivator provides a simple test, made of 15 questions, to discover if you are good in motivating a teamwork and lead it to success. Performance goals, an efficient reward system and good motivational practices have to be combined in the best way to become a good manager.

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1 Comment

  1. enzzzoo

    My score = 59 – “You’re probably motivating your team very effectively! Still, check the sections below to see if there’s anything you can tweak to make this even better.”.

    Fascinating quiz; the questions took some re-reading to make sure I had understood them. I would love to see the algorithm behind the quiz. I wonder if it is pretty standard or incredibly complex? A lot of the questions seem to cross-reference each other and are worded bizarrely to make you really think about the topic before answering. I am tempted to answer falsely to see what would happen but it would take too much time to go through all 15 questions again. :/

    In any case, it is a valid exercise and ultimately, the score is not important; what is useful is that it makes you think about your attitude in the workplace and towards your colleagues and workforce.