Get your brain in motion

Month: October 2012 (Page 1 of 2)


Use of remote participation through videoconferencing has become a normal activity for diplomats; the use of this Internet tool is increasingly standing out to the practice of diplomacy.

This is one of the many interesting illustrations on e-diplomacy that DiploFoundation created to better describe the changing diplomatic world.

Illustrations focus on:

  • Internet driven-changes of environment in which diplomacy is conducted.
  • Impact on the two pillars of diplomacy, information and communication.

You can see some illustrations of the original gallery at:

Measuring stress

The text, ‘Stress measurement in less than one minute’, free download at, presents the development of a measurement tool called the Emotional Stress Reaction Questionnaire (ESRQ).

The first part of the book (chapters 1-9) is solely devoted to the ESRQ instrument and its theoretical foundation. The second part (chapters 10-14) provides an illustration of how the presented framework and tool can be practically used in personal coaching focusing on stress management.

Bookboon provides a collection of valuable free ebooks for professionals


The subject of the Diplocalendar 2012 for the month of October is Success.

Success is not final, Failure is not fatal.
It’s the courage to continue that counts. (Winston Churchill)

More inspiring subjects on Diplocalendar 2012 that explores in both a serious and lighthearted way, some elements of interpersonal relationships and management that can help in daily activities.

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