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T ogether

E veryone

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  1. Francesco Ziosi

    “let us go forward together with our united strength”

  2. fabio

    unity is strength, that’s why rulers prefer “divide and conquer”. but often people do not realize the difference. What a pity!

    • Francesco

      This is deeply true – and it was expressed very effectively (I liked the word-game).

      It is very interesting recognizing how this very motto was successfully applied by the best middle-age ruler of all the time. ‘Charles Magne’ wouldn’t have been so great if wasn’t for keeping his lords unified by a most necessary lot subdivision. Even William the Conqueror did the same thing – with his ‘tenentes in capites’ (=fellow knights) wisely assigned to key-areas (much like any international organization would do in Modern times – having key people to the right places makes the difference since anybody has its strenghts and weaknesses).
      These are just two examples, as there were many other capable kings scatted through Europe between the 8th century to the 13th-14th.

      …It’s funny noticing how even our Middle-Age may provide solid examples of leadership. Another reason I believed it wasn’t no dark time at all – just a set of time in which humanity took coscience of his capabilities and put to test his discernment.