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Memory and Stupidity

Memory is often the attribute of stupidity; it generally belongs to heavy spirits whom it makes even heavier by the baggage it loads them down with”.

François-René de Chateaubriand, Memories from Beyond the Grave.

Fran%C3%A7ois-Ren%C3%A9_de_ChateaubriandImage Source: Wikimedia Commons

Posted by: Antonio Puggioni

1 Comment

  1. Francesco S.

    “Memory is often the attribute of stupidity; it generally belongs to heavy spirits whom it makes even heavier by the baggage it loads them down with”.

    …Except the case of that person who would likely try the ‘concorso diplomatico’ but has a conscience that keep telling him that “maybe chinese required all that stupidness and ‘heavy-spiritness’ – in order to actually memorize the mandarin alphabet”…

    So, the point is, I basically disagree with mr. de Chateaubriand. 😀

    Memory IS important, and if a forgetful one tell so…