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Month: October 2018

How to raise successful kids (or business colleagues) without over-parenting

Though this TED talk suggestion may seem rather strange for a blog focusing on leadership and business skills development, it actually gives us an important message about how to accompany other along a path of growth by adopting an encouraging rather than punitive attitude. Julie Lythcott- Haims reminds parents (but leaders and managers too!) that there are many ways of reprimanding a person and some are much more fruitful than others in actually determining a change in the other person’s behavior.

Another important message is this: managers should always be on the lookout for situations they can learn from. In fact, some of the most important lessons often spring from situations which have nothing to do with the business environment!



6 High Performance Habits

Many of us wish to reach success. What the definition of that is varies from person to person, but #1 New York Times Best Selling author Brandon Burchard has put together the 6 High Performance Habits that people that are considered successful generally share:

  • Seek clarity
  • Generate energy
  • Raise necessity
  • Increase productivity
  • Develop influence
  • Demonstrate courage

High Performance therefore seems to be the result of simply performing specific actions day in and day out: you have no more excuses! The book also includes a professional assessment to measure one’s own progress in reaching his or her goals.



Learning the Growth Mindset

Ever heard of mindset? This word is becoming more and more common in the modern world because experts in many fields such as sports, parenting, business, school and relationships are becoming aware of the importance of mindset in facing life’s challenges. In her insightful book “Mindset: The new psychology of Success”, Carol Dweck talks about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset through real-life examples and then gives us the tools to apply a growth mindset in all aspects of our lives. Basically, people with a fixed mindset believe that you either have it or you don’t: natural talent is the only possible way to succeed. On the other hand, people with a growth mindset believe that their talents can be developed (through hard work, successful strategies and input from others).
Many studies have shown that having a fixed mindset can help us to reach our goals and to do so with greater ease and enjoyment: we can actually appreciate the process of learning, regardless of the outcome.

Be sure to check out Dr. Dweck’s book, it is sure to give you a new perspective on how to go about life and how to interact with others, whether they be your children or you colleagues.