Sometimes it feels like there’s just way too much to do and too little time. There are many helpful productivity and time-management tips, but, according to this article, the most powerful one is the art of saying no. But how to say no?

 Here are three simple guidelines that might just make your life easier:

1. Don’t respond immediately.

When you are asked to do something that isn’t a part of your primary focus, simply tell the person that you will get back to them.

2. Consider creative solutions.

When someone comes to you with a request that you would like to fulfill but it would put a crimp in your schedule, think about giving them a partial yes, or offer another solution.

3. Keep it simple: Never overexplain or apologize profusely.

You do not have to apologize for doing what’s right for you and your business. If you are kind in your response and offer a few very simple words of explanation, most people will respect you for it.

Image: Flickr – duncan c  (CC BY-NC 2.0)