Finding calm can be hard, even more so in the midst of challenging times, when deadlines are fast approaching and your To-Do list is getting ever so long.

Instead of giving in to your spiralling negative thoughts, you can break the cycle using these simple but effective affirmations. suggested by Niklas Goeke … or you can come up with your own list that can pick from in moments of need!

  1. Insomnia: “I can’t sleep, but I can still recover.”

  2. Pressure: “I don’t need to think to exist.”

  3. Helplessness: “I don’t need the answer right now.”

  4. Doubt: “If this doesn’t work, what’s the next thing I can try?”

  5. Fear: “Who needs you to see this through?”

  6. Emotional pain: “This feels bad, but I don’t have to react right now.”

  7. Impostor syndrome: “I love myself.”