A day off from work should mean a day that is unlike all other days of the week. Unfortunately, with technology and persistent bad habits, we have lost the art of truly enjoying a day off as it just seems to be a continuation of our every day routine.

This article provides some tips to help appreciate our day off on a whole new level:

1. Disconnect from work
We are pretty much always connected to our work 24/7. Although it can be great for productivity, it doesn’t allow us to take a step back and refuel our energy and creativity. This is why, to really have a good day off, you need to not be affected by anything from your job.

2. Stay away from routine
On your day off, don’t do the same things that you do every day. Your day off needs to be a completely unique day, far different than anything remotely similar to your routine. If you do the same things you always do, you will only feel like it’s the same thing over and over, and you will not appreciate or embrace your day off in the same way.

3. Remain composed
On your day off, do not get angry, mad, stressed, or annoyed no matter what.  Stay away from negativity and don’t let things get to you on that specific day.

4. Get some fresh air
Your day off is the perfect opportunity to get some fresh air outside and do some outdoors activities. Such things as simple as taking a 20-30 min walk in a park can make a huge difference, not only on how you feel that very day, but it will help your psyche as you go through your everyday grind. Being in nature is very good therapy to release all kinds of stress and anxiety.

5. Treat yourself
Do something nice for yourself, such as getting a massage, go shopping, eat at your favorite restaurant, and the likes. When you associate your day off with a reward, regardless of what it may be, you will not only look forward to your day off, but you will increase your appreciation of it.

6. Take your time
You shouldn’t be in a hurry on your day off. You should be calm, relaxed, and just appreciating every minute of it.

7. Spend it with people you care about
You should spend your day off doing activities with the people that mean a lot in your life. This will bring meaningful joy to what you are doing, and make it not only even more rewarding, but something that you can look forward to during the week.

Image source: Pixabay  – Sophkins