In any moment of the year there are usually many “Office Parties” going on for the more various reasons, being it birthdays, farewells or holidays celebrations. Though they are called “parties,” employees often dread these events and only go because they feel obligated. Sure, the free booze and pizza is nice, but they would rather be at home watching Netflix than spending more time with their boss and colleagues during after-work hours.

However, if parties do turn out to be awesome, and employees enjoy them, they can increase worker satisfaction and morale, strengthen relationships between colleagues, and instil a sense of employee pride in your company.

This article provides some tips to ensure your upcoming workplace gathering is going to be amazing:

  1. Keep timing in mind: The timing of your party is crucial. For example, why does it have to take place right when people are rushing to get their projects wrapped up before the end of the calendar year? If December is your busiest time of year, maybe do something the first week of January, so it is truly a celebration and everyone can enjoy it.
  2. Figure out a theme: Take your workplace values and culture and use them to assign a fun theme to your party. Themes work better when there is an optional dress code attached and the whole party (food, drinks and decorations) embodies the theme and the overall idea.
  3. Follow the trends: You need to follow the trends in parties occurring right now. Try to include also what makes your staff sincerely happy. Usually, interactive food stations with creative cocktails and alchemists at the bar are all the rage.
  4. Encourage socializing: Try to create an atmosphere that lets people ease into conversations. Try to organize the food and drinks stations in order to help people socializing. Adding alcohol to a party can welcome more socializing and loosen up interactions among employees, but it’s important to maintain a harassment-free environment. The National Federation of Independent Business suggests reminding people that they should stick to your company’s code of conduct in all your messages leading up to the party.
  5. Make it fun: Hiring performers that mingle among the crowd rather than perform in one place usually works better. Try also to organize games and activities in order to favour more the conversation and interaction among people.


Image Source: Pixabay – DariuszSankowski