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Category: Leadership (Page 18 of 19)

Leading by example

Leaders’  personal attitudes and actions influence people  around them. They need to be credible with their direct reports. Why should anyone follow an instruction that the instructor is not following himself?

Peter Thatcher’s ‘Leading by example’ , you can download for free at, provides some suggestions about how to be a good leader behaving with integrity and respect.

Bookboon provides a collection of valuable free ebooks for professionals.

One Ingredient for Employee Engagement

Randy Conley, Director of Client Services and Trust Practice Leader at The Ken Blanchard Companies, is deeply interested in making employees more engaged and interested in their work.

In his article The One Indispensable Ingredient for Employee Engagement published by, Conley observes that there is an epidemic of workers who are uninterested and disengaged from the job they do.
There are many excellent strategies that deals with this challenge, but according to him only one strategy can be good: trust!

The TrustWorks! ABCD Model® provides that framework and illustrates the four elements of trust that leaders need to focus on building high-trust relationships:

  • Able – Demonstrate Competence
  • Believable – Act with integrity
  • Connected – Care about others
  • Dependable – Maintain Reliability


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10 Leadership Practices to Stop Today

If you want to be the best in your organization, you have to get rid of your outdated management style.

The old  command-and-control leadership is fading in favour of what might be better defined as trust-and-track method, where people are not just told what to do, but why they are doing it.

A culture of engagement leads to greater customer loyalty, and better financial success.

Paul Spiegelman, founder and CEO of BerylHealth, makes a list of  what is “in” and what is “out”

Here are some examples:

1. Out: Micro-management – In: Empowerment
2. Out: Management by walking around the office –  In: Leadership by watching and listening
3. Out: Pretending you know everything – In: Knowing your leadership team members and trusting them.

And many more…

Read this interesting out-in list at:

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How great leaders inspire action

Why Martin Luther King led the Civil Rights Movement? He wasn’t the only man who suffered in a pre-civil rights America, and He certainly wasn’t the only great orator of the day.

Why  is ‘Apple’ more innovative than all their competitors?

Simon Sinek is teaching others how to became effective leaders inspiring changes.

Leadership Lessons From The Geniuses Of Jazz

According to Frank J. Barrett book nurturing spontaneity, creativity, experimentation, and dynamic synchronization is the only approach to leadership.

The controlled chaos of the social web sounds a lot like jazz. That means it’s time to reinvent the standards. Following practices can help your organization emulate what happens when jazz bands improvise.

  • Improvise through the chaos
  • Embrace errors as a source of learning
  • Perform and experiment at the same time.
  • Rely on minimal structure and maximum autonomy.
  • Jam and hang out
  • Lead using “provocative competence.”


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The subject of the Diplocalendar 2012 for the month of October is Success.

Success is not final, Failure is not fatal.
It’s the courage to continue that counts. (Winston Churchill)

More inspiring subjects on Diplocalendar 2012 that explores in both a serious and lighthearted way, some elements of interpersonal relationships and management that can help in daily activities.

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