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Category: Training (Page 40 of 40)

Do ‘digital natives’ learn online differently than ‘digital migrants’?

Hannah Slavik of Diplofoundation comments on a recent study of Open University of Catalonia (UOC) titled:Learning in Digital: An Approach to Digital Learners in the UOC Scenario.

Hannah says that the study “suggests that there is no significant difference between the way ‘digital natives’ and ‘digital migrants’ study online. This is an important finding at a time when online learning is increasingly used, both for mature learners (in the trend towards life-long learning) and for net generation learners, within traditional university programmes.”

Ron Gutman: The hidden power of smiling

How can something as simple as a smile be so deceptively complex? That’s the mystery and magic explored in Smile: The Astonishing Powers of a Simple Act, which explores the sensation and science of the smile. From the broad beaming grin of a toddler to the oily smirk of a used car salesman, smiles convey an enormous range of emotions. Grins also have radically varied meanings in different cultures, as the author learned during his many worldwide trips to explore the complicated, but ubiquitous, act of smiling.


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