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Tag: fear

How many times you die?

The Diplo calendar 2023 realized by Stefano Baldi contains some quotes of well-known and less known Italian women and men of 19th and 20th century that can inspire us in our daily life.

Here is the selected quotation for the month of April:

He who is afraid dies every day, he whois not afraid dies only once

                           Paolo Borsellino (1940 – 1992)

The truth about fear

If you understand the truths about fear, it will be easier to deal with it. In a post published in the Blog Coaching Positive Performance there is a list of 5 of these truths.

1. The outcome you fear is just one of many possible outcomes
2. There will always be fear
3. To eliminate a specific fear, do that which you fear
4. Everyone experiences fear with new challenges
5. Short-term pain is better than long-term pain

For more read the full post


Image: FlickrKevin B 3 – (CC BY 2.0)



How to control your fear

If you understand the truths about fear, it will be easier to deal with it. In a post published in the Blog Coaching Positive Performance there is a list of 5 of these truths.

1. The outcome you fear is just one of many possible outcomes
2. There will always be fear
3. To eliminate a specific fear, do that which you fear
4. Everyone experiences fear with new challenges
5. Short-term pain is better than long-term pain

For more read the full post

Image source: Pixabay (CC0)

Imagination changes everything

In this TEDx, Patti Dobrowolski discusses the importance and power of imagination. Imagination is the engine of our life. It can be used in an expected and confined way and we call ii “brainstorming”. However we can also use imagination in unconstrained ways, as children do. In these cases, imagination becomes the fuel of everything, as the experience of genius like Eisntein can prove.


What happy people do differently (and why they become great leaders…)

At first glance, some might say this article is not related to leadership skills. In my opinion it is actually the opposite: the author explains 7 fundamental differences between “happy” and “unhappy” people that reveal how attitudes and the way we see the world and the others are decisive to succeed in whatever we do. Succeeding is not just a question of method: first of all, you should have the right approach to daily life and see things the good way. This is the reason why this psychology-oriented article gives good hints about leadership.

The author talks about seven differences in particular (my short comments in brackets):

1. Your default belief is that life is hard (as a consequence, every task will seem impossible)

2. You believe most people can’t be trusted. (this way you won’t be able to delegate)

3. You concentrate on what’s wrong in this world versus what’s right. (this will cause a lack of motivation: why should I get things better if everything around me will always be wrong?)

4. You compare yourself to others and harbor jealousy. (the good leader is never jealous, he appreciates and knows how to exploit for the best other people’s qualities instead)

5. You strive to control your life. (planning, planning, planning!)

6. You consider your future with worry and fear. (this way you’ll remain paralyzed in the process of decision-making)

7. You fill your conversations with gossip and complaints. (those who always complain are just losing time instead of how to solve the problems that caused the complains…)

Read the full article here:


image: Wikimedia (public domain)



Five Reasons Why The Fear Of Public Speaking Is Great For You

The fear of public speaking is the most common fear and prevents many people from achieving their potential.

Imagine if you were comfortable speaking in public and took every opportunity presented, how would your life improve?

So why is the fear of public speaking great for you?
Five Reasons Why The Fear Of Public Speaking Is Great For You!

1. Be viewed as the leader
2. Increase Exposure
3. Gain Trust
4. Reduce Your Competition
5. Accomplish Something Great

Read more: Forbes

Image source: Flickr – ScoRDS – (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Top Five Reasons People Fear Being A Leader

Top Five Reasons People Fear Being A Leader written by Denis G. Mclaughlin, President of Leadership GPS, is an interesting article concerning  fear.

Denis G. Mclaughlin tells us that being afraid is one of the benefits and at the same time detriments to the human condition. For example, this is a good thing when it protects us from making harmful mistakes; on the other side, it is a bad thing when it prevents us from achieving success to our full capability.

Accepting the responsibility of leadership is one of those fears that some have developed over their years of experience.

After this he provides us the top five reasons some fear being a leader:

  1. I am afraid to fail
  2. I have failed before
  3. I am not a born leader
  4. I don’t know enough about leader
  5. I don’t know everything my team does

Read the full article at:

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