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Successful attitude towards work with these 7 Soft-Skills

“It is not the strongest or most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” – Charles Darwin

Soft skills represent the habits that can improve how you work with others and how they work with you. This article published on Forbes, sheds light on 7 important skills that will help you create a positive partnership with your colleagues.

  1. Adaptability: One must be ready to apply flexibility when dealing with critical situations.
  2. Teachability: Embrace criticism and be ready to proactively acting upon it, we always have something new to learn.
  3. Punctuality: Simple but crucial.
  4. Communication: This soft skill is a two-way street, it goes both ways. Make your messages clear and actively listen to what     others might say
  5. Service Mindset: Try and care for the people around you both coworkers and customers
  6. Proactivity: Use creative thinking to develop to prevent a reactive approach to work. Don’t always passively wait for new tasks.
  7. Ownership: Embrace responsibility.


Image source: Pixabay


Personal branding and job interviews

Who am I?

This existential question that we have probably all asked ourselves at least once in our lives is part of the process of building our personality. Not only. It is part of building our personal brand.

Just like companies sell products and services, we in some way sell ourselves. We sell our skills, our values, our purpose when we engage in new relationships, both private and professional. Which means that we must know what we are bringing to the plate and what we expect from others.

Building a brand takes time, vision and most of all clarity. It requires profound introspection to identify what are our unique features and skills, as well as acceptance of what we see in ourselves.
The brand not only has to be built, it also has to be presented; which, in the case of personal branding, means we have to learn how to introduce ourselves to potential employers (or partners!) showcasing our strengths, but also acknowledging our weaknesses; in general, when it comes to presentations, honesty and authenticity are often the winning solutions.

You can read more about how to best showcase your personal brand during job interviews in this Forbes article!

job interview

Image from Pexels (CC0 – Creative Commons)

Six Tips for better Work-Life Balance

Experts agree: the compounding stress from the never-ending workday is damaging. It can hurt relationships, health and overall happiness.

Here are some tips suggested by experts to help you find the balance that’s right for you:

1. Let go of perfectionism: the healthier option is to strive not for perfection, but for excellence.

2. Unplug: by not constantly reacting to the updates from work, you will develop a stronger habit of resilience.

3. Exercise and meditate: exercise, yoga or meditation are effective stress reducers. They pump feel-good endorphins through your body.


4. Limit time-wasting activities and people: identify what’s most important in your life and make sure it truly reflects your priorities. Then, draw firm boundaries so you can devote quality time to these high-priority people and activities.


5. Change the structure of your life: instead of trying to do it all, focus on activities you specialize in and value most. Delegate or outsource everything else.

6. Start small. Build from there: taking on too much too quickly is a recipe for failure, so start with small changes.

For more information read the full article.


Image source: Wikimedia – By KVDP, Shokunin, Aungkarns – Own work  (CC BY-SA 3.0)

10 +1 secrets to communicate leadership.

Communication is the real work of leadership

by Nitin Nohrian

It is a hard work communicating efficiently and even more when the goal one is trying to achieve is to look and be a leader.
Here are the 10 tips that Forbes has decided to share with us in order to become great (communication) leaders:

  1. Speak not with a forked tongue;
  2. Get personal;
  3. Get specific;
  4. Focus on the leave-behinds not the take-aways;
  5. Have an open mind;
  6. Shut-up and listen;
  7. Replace ego with empathy;
  8. Read between the lines;
  9. When you speak, know what you’re talking about;
  10. Speak to groups as individuals;

*Bonus: Be prepared to change the message if needed!

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