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Personal branding and job interviews

Who am I?

This existential question that we have probably all asked ourselves at least once in our lives is part of the process of building our personality. Not only. It is part of building our personal brand.

Just like companies sell products and services, we in some way sell ourselves. We sell our skills, our values, our purpose when we engage in new relationships, both private and professional. Which means that we must know what we are bringing to the plate and what we expect from others.

Building a brand takes time, vision and most of all clarity. It requires profound introspection to identify what are our unique features and skills, as well as acceptance of what we see in ourselves.
The brand not only has to be built, it also has to be presented; which, in the case of personal branding, means we have to learn how to introduce ourselves to potential employers (or partners!) showcasing our strengths, but also acknowledging our weaknesses; in general, when it comes to presentations, honesty and authenticity are often the winning solutions.

You can read more about how to best showcase your personal brand during job interviews in this Forbes article!

job interview

Image from Pexels (CC0 – Creative Commons)

Do you consider yourself to be a confident person? Do you trust your abilities? Do you even know what those abilities are? Having self confidence is probably one of the most important aspects of your personality you can develop on your journey of self development.

Lack of self confidence is often the origin of anxiety and preoccupations when we are faced with everyday challenges, whether they may be big or small.
It stops us from building meaningful relationships, from truly pursuing our dreams, from speaking our mind, from taking risks, in essence from being ourselves. That is why it is so important, not only for our professional life, but also for our private life, to find those tools and strategies that might help us in building self confidence and finding our place in this world.

Marcus Aurelius offers us 10 tips to build our  self confidence:

  1. Focus on building your character
  2. Practice Self-Acceptance
  3. Focus on your thoughts
  4. Make a plan and stop thinking
  5. Keep your word
  6. Take ownership of your actions
  7. Don’t speak too much about yourself
  8. Remind yourself of death
  9. Ignore the naysayers
  10. Have an evening confidence ritual

Be sure to watch the full video from Philosophies for Life for an in-depth explanation of each of these points and to be inspired by this great man!

“In reality, failure is simply feedback. It’s not that you are bad or not good enough or incapable. Failure (or feedback) gives you the opportunity to look at what’s not working and figure out how to make it work.”

Lewis Howes

Magic Cube, Patience, Tricky, Hobby, Skill, Play

Image: Pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)

Learning the Growth Mindset

Ever heard of mindset? This word is becoming more and more common in the modern world because experts in many fields such as sports, parenting, business, school and relationships are becoming aware of the importance of mindset in facing life’s challenges. In her insightful book “Mindset: The new psychology of Success”, Carol Dweck talks about the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset through real-life examples and then gives us the tools to apply a growth mindset in all aspects of our lives. Basically, people with a fixed mindset believe that you either have it or you don’t: natural talent is the only possible way to succeed. On the other hand, people with a growth mindset believe that their talents can be developed (through hard work, successful strategies and input from others).
Many studies have shown that having a fixed mindset can help us to reach our goals and to do so with greater ease and enjoyment: we can actually appreciate the process of learning, regardless of the outcome.

Be sure to check out Dr. Dweck’s book, it is sure to give you a new perspective on how to go about life and how to interact with others, whether they be your children or you colleagues.



Seven Ways To Become a Better Leader

Some believe leadership is a gift. Others think it is possible to learn to be a leader.

For those who wish to strengthen their leadership skills, Laura Entis provides seven points to help you become a better leader:

1. Do not be scared to fail big

2. Banish self-doubt by acknowledging your accomplishments

3. Do not settle for the standard solution

4. Focus on results, not style

5. Always keep improving

6. Learn to act like an introvert and an extrovert

7. Cultivate generosity

Read the full article here.


Image source: Pixabay – Image by OpenClips

10 Barriers to Great Leadership

Any growth process includes the inevitable stumbling blocks. Leadership growth is no different.

, Management Consultant in the Organization Effectiveness practice of Slalom Consulting, in the past few months, has worked with several leaders who were navigating significant new challenges in their roles.  The differences between those who managed these situations successfully and those who didn’t often showed itself in their responses to these very common blocks to leadership growth:

  1. Believing that it can’t happen to you
  2. Ignoring the usefulness of mistakes
  3. Refusing help
  4. Not asking for the right things
  5. Not letting your team do its job
  6. Lack of functional credibility
  7. Lack of leadership process credibility
  8. Not enough courage to let go of yesterday’s tools
  9. An inability to face the power dynamics of leadership
  10. A good memory. Too good

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