Get your brain in motion

Month: December 2019

Personal branding and job interviews

Who am I?

This existential question that we have probably all asked ourselves at least once in our lives is part of the process of building our personality. Not only. It is part of building our personal brand.

Just like companies sell products and services, we in some way sell ourselves. We sell our skills, our values, our purpose when we engage in new relationships, both private and professional. Which means that we must know what we are bringing to the plate and what we expect from others.

Building a brand takes time, vision and most of all clarity. It requires profound introspection to identify what are our unique features and skills, as well as acceptance of what we see in ourselves.
The brand not only has to be built, it also has to be presented; which, in the case of personal branding, means we have to learn how to introduce ourselves to potential employers (or partners!) showcasing our strengths, but also acknowledging our weaknesses; in general, when it comes to presentations, honesty and authenticity are often the winning solutions.

You can read more about how to best showcase your personal brand during job interviews in this Forbes article!

job interview

Image from Pexels (CC0 – Creative Commons)

You might sometimes feel like life is getting too complicated, like there are too many elements at play and things are getting out of hand. But are they really? Or are we just making things harder than they should be?

The feeling of overwhelm that sometimes floods over us can be very hard to manage and lead to anxiety, stress, or even depression.

The thing is, you can do something about it. You can choose how you respond to situations and process information. You can essentially rewire the way your brain functions in response to external stimuli.

In this video, The School of Life gives us some insights on how we can simplify our lives.

Your reminder to slow down

Are you breathing?

When was the last time you got up from your chair to take a break?

Is your mind feeling clouded and cluttered?

Chances are you might be moving too fast. Not physically I mean, but in your thoughts. We are bombarded with so many stimuli in the modern-world, we often don’t even have time to process them.

Which is why today, I invite you to take a rest. It can take whatever form you wish. Just make sure to leave space for your thoughts to settle and for your self to recover. You will gain so much value from it.

Read more about the importance of rest: Slow is not Static



Image from Pexels (CC0 – Creative Commons)