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Category: Learning (Page 19 of 25)

10 Amazing Intelligences

We often refer to intelligence as a one single concept. The picture can be far more articulated than we think.

In one of his most acclaimed books, “Head First – 10 ways to tap into your natural genius“, Tony Buzan describes 10 different Intelligences that he divides into three major categories:

a) The creative and Emotional intelligences:

1. Creative intelligence (Create Yourself)
2. Personal Intelligence (You and You)
3. Social Intelligence (You and them)
4. Spiritual Intelligence (Heaven knows!)

b) The Bodily Intelligences

5. Physical Intelligence (Body Talk)
6. Sensual Intelligence (Making sense of your senses)
7. Sexual Intelligence (Intelligent sex)

c) The Traditional IQ Intelligences

8. Numerical Intelligence (Count on Yourself)
9. Spatial Intelligence (Mind the Gap)
10. Verbal Intelligence (The power of words)

If you want to know more about each one read the book!


All roads lead to resilience in the US

According to psychologists, the so-called resilience is our ability to bounce back when faced with a variety of challenges. It is a very complex process and none of us is perfect—we all have moments when we do not appear to be very well adapted to the conditions we are facing. By the way, research has shown that resilience is ordinary, not extraordinary. People commonly demonstrate resilience.

One example is the response of many Americans to 9/11 and individuals’ efforts to rebuild their lives. In order to develop this much more crucial soft skill in the American contemporary society, the Road2Resilience website has been launched a couple of years ago.

It represents the digital manifestation of a very big idea in order to advance the cause of national resilience by highlighting innovative ideas in emergency management, homeland security and crisis planning.

The hard road to resilience involves behaviours, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed at every level of the American society to respond quickly and wisely to future crises.


Image source: CNN

Author: Teodora Danisi

Gain The Upper Hand in Negotiations

Are you able to keep your emotions in check when negotiating that big deal? According to Ananda Laberge – associate tutor for Scotwork North America – there are six proven strategies to help gain the upper hand in your next negotiation:

1. Thoroughly prepare
2. Draw the emotion out first
3. Give them what they want… on your terms
4. Watch for signals from the individuals
5. Don’t go into an important negotiation alone
6. When necessary, adjourn

Read the full article at:


1Image source: Flickr – koencobbaert –


6 Things Really Productive People Do

Sometimes, the key to success lies in organization. Kevin Daum, author of  the best seller Video Marketing for Dummies, has agreed to share with the online magazine a series of suggestions on how to increase productivity so as to maximize those 24 hours we have each day.

The list includes:

  1. Prioritization
  2. Focusing on efficiency
  3. Integration of different activities
  4. Time management
  5. Active learning and, most importantly,
  6. Lightness

To find out more about the best path to productivity, read whole article at:

4556099850_bcd9318b5bImage source:  by Sean MacEntee

Posted by Alice Rubini

Be a better writer

The manual “Be A Better Writer“, downloadable for free at, includes tips that will help you improve your writing (and actually get your writing done faster and easier) no matter what type of writing you need to do.

Bookboon provides a collection of valuable free ebooks for professionals.



7 Tricks to Improve Your Memory

Jancee Dunn, from Time Online Magazine, suggests 7 useful techniques to improve our memory:

1. Play brain games

2. Eat the right foods

3. Quit multitasking

4. Master a new skill

5. Get more sleep

6. Use mnemonic devices

7. Hit the gym

Read more on: Times Online Magazine, 7 Tricks to Improve Your Memory


Image source:, Memory bubble

©2000-2013, BrainU, University of Minnesota Department of Neuroscience and Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Supported by a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) from the National Center For Research Resources and the Division of Program Coordination, Planning, and Strategic Initiatives of the National Institutes of Health, with additional funding from SEDAPA and ARRA. Its content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of NCRR or NIH.

Proposed by: Camilla Sicuro

“I am not young enough to know everything.”

Oscar Wilde



Image source:


Seven Ways To Become a Better Leader

Some believe leadership is a gift. Others think it is possible to learn to be a leader.

For those who wish to strengthen their leadership skills, Laura Entis provides seven points to help you become a better leader:

1. Do not be scared to fail big

2. Banish self-doubt by acknowledging your accomplishments

3. Do not settle for the standard solution

4. Focus on results, not style

5. Always keep improving

6. Learn to act like an introvert and an extrovert

7. Cultivate generosity

Read the full article here.


Image source: Pixabay – Image by OpenClips

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