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15 Ways to Dig Out of Discouragement

Discouragement can be real, that’s why positive thinking needs to dig deeper in order to overcome dark feelings.

Leadership Freak has devised a 15-point strategy to address negative thinking.

First of all, sharing with others could be a powerful medicine. Discouragement can be a common feeling and reaching out to others is key.

Rest and sleep. At the same time do not stay still. Take long walks, finish a task that you’ve been putting off and celebrate progress.

Catch the occasion. Let go anger, forgive and evaluate yourself.

Read more here.


Image Source: Chris – originally posted to Flickr as DSC_0051, CC BY 2.0


5 tips for novice public speakers

Dananjaya Hettiarachchi, the winner of the World Championship of Public Speaking 2014 organized by Toastmaster International, interviewed by Richard Feloni for The Business Insider Australia, suggests 5 tips for novice public speakers.

Tip 1
Always start with a message. A common mistake is to start with a topic, instead a speech should begin with a message, as concise as possible. This message is whatever you want your audience to be thinking about when your presentations concludes.

Tip 2
Be confident enough to yourself. You need to sell yourself before to sell your message, the way to do that is to be genuine. A speech should be conversational, not theatrical. The only way to go in front of an audience and to present in a way that isn’t simply miming is to practice again and again, pretending that you’re talking to your closest friends.

Tip 3
See yourself through your audience’s eyes. Speakers tend to become wrapped up in themselves, maybe because they’re afraid to acknowledge a room full of listeners. But if you’re going to speak, you need to realize that you’re doing it for the benefit of others, not yourself.

Tip 4
Have a forum to practice. 80% of the path to becoming a great speaker is trial and error and the only way to learn is by speaking in front of an audience that will give honest feedback.

Tip 5
Find the right coach or mentor. You should find someone willing to help you grow as a public speaker. This does not need to be someone who can teach you advanced speaking techniques; they just need to be someone who gives you permission to explore possibilities, who gives you permission to fail.

Read here the full article


Image: flickr – Brian Talbot – (CC BY – NC 2.0)

Balancing act

Finding the right balance between success and self-improvement is a game we all play in our lives to a certain extent. Some of us tend to veer more towards one or the other, but they are both goals we strive for.

What habits can help us be more successful?

What habits can help us work on self-improvement?

Many times, they won’t be compatible. Author Niklas Göke suggests that instead of looking for those habits that fulfill both goals, we should first focus on those habits that are hindering us.

  • Give Up Reducing Your Dimensions
  • Give Up The Imitation Game
  • Give Up Looking in Favour or Seeing
  • Give Up Living in Outcomes
  • Give Up All Happiness Outside Yourself
  • Give Up Waiting
  • Give Up the Make Pretend
  • Give Up Anything But Loving Yourself

Here is the full article:  What Habits Does Your Best Self Not Have?

Winning, Motivation, Succeed, Man

Image: Pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)


Bearing the unbearable: approaching “GAMAN” to take on new challenges

Understanding one of the most important skills of a Japanese warrior, or “samurai”, can improve our daily life, including our attitude towards apparently unsolvable issues.

This skill is called “gaman”, a word that can be translated as “patience”, “endurance”, “perseverance” and which deals with the capacity of living “without complaint whatever problem may throw in your path”.

“Gaman” is a fundamental aspect of  the samurai’s code of life, or “bushido”,  but it is not necessary to fully practice this tough philosophy in order to experiment a truly fulfilling “gaman attitude”.

Broadly speaking, something similar can be found even in Western societies: ancient Romans, for instance, used to practice self-conditioning by following the stoical conduct of enduring hardship without a word of complaint.

Nevertheless, it is even unnecessary to face pain or disasters in order to experiment “gaman”.

In fact, a simple and achievable “gaman-ese” code of conduct can be summed up by 5 tips, useful to face our daily issues:

1- Stay consistent

2 – Set small goals for yourself, and achieve them

3- Take your time

4- Be human, with dignity

5 – Breathe!

More about GAMAN here

 Image Source: Flickr – Alliance russe (CC BY 2.0)

How to become an effective public speaker

Having to give a speech in front of an audience can cause some people to shake, sweat, get sick, or freeze in terror. The root of this fear is simple: It’s scary because it’s unfamiliar to anyone who doesn’t regularly perform to a crowd.

The best way to become a better public speaker is through repetition and feedback from a trusted source, but there are several habits you can establish early that will make your journey easier.

Here are some of Joshua Rinaldi, the former president of New York Toastmasters, top tips for becoming a confident, effective speaker, published on the World Economic Forum:

  1. Practise transitioning from a transcript to your memory.
  2. Use notes sparingly.
  3. Release nervous energy with controlled breathing.
  4. Take your time.
  5. Play to your strenghts.
  6. Don’t apologize at the start of your speech.
  7. Know your audience.

Read more here 


Image source: Pixabay (CC0)

5 secrets to eliminate your online distractions

Today we are simply overwhelmed by digital data, which make it very difficult to make our average workday a productive and focused one. Just consider how much time we spend daily on our email inbox, trying to read and answer to everybody and file every message. According to the digital explorer Alexandra Samuel (Work smarter with social media), having a clean Inbox is not only impossible, it is also a waste of time, and she provides five useful tips to resist the constant assault of online distraction:

  1. Stop trying to keep up. Instead of keeping up, make your goal keeping focused by being extremely clear about your priorities, both short and long term.
  2. Your most important online work happens offline. Be clear about what actually matters to you, before opening your computer.
  3. Match your digital life to your real-life priorities. Set email filters and, most importantly, make sure you’re setting up shortcuts and prioritizing what’s most relevant.
  4. Get your news all in one day. Use a newsreader which aggregate articles and create a news feed that lets you read stories and get information across the Internet all in one place.
  5. Don’t reflexively fill idle time with screen time. if you have less than five minutes of free time, resist the urge to fill it with smartphone time.

Read the full article on Fastcompany

image source: Pixabay (CC0)


Become Mentally Strong People? Don’t do it!

Are you afraid to be alone with your thoughts ? Do you usually expect immediate results from your committment? In this case, you have much to learn to become a mentally strong person and gain access to succes in life!

This is, at least, the opinion of Amy Morin, a psychotherapist, passionate about strategies for overcoming life’s inevitable challenges and author of “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do”, a best-selling book that is being translated into more than 20 languages. link

Mentally strong people don’t give away their power, don’t worry about pleasing everyone, don’t dwell on the past. In sum, they manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.


Image source: FlickrTZA (CC BY-NC 2.0)

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